- Some examples of AquaTerra’s past projects are presented below. For a more detailed description of the company’s experience and capabilities, please contact us.
- Discharge Channel and Culvert

- Project Location: Harvey, LA
- Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Construction of discharge channel and concrete culvert for a flood control pump station in New Orleans, LA. Project included pile supported concrete flood walls, dredging and placement of rock riprap shore protection. This technically challenging project included fabrication of a large concrete culvert that was floated into position under an existing bridge. AquaTerra was responsible for the design and construction of multiple dewatering cofferdams and a floating casting facility for the culvert.
- New Orleans Flood Protection

- Project Location: New Orleans, LA
- Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- As part of the AquaTerra-CAYO Joint Venture, AquaTerra constructed new concrete floodwalls and other flood protection improvements as part of the Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System in New Orleans, LA. This project involved construction of over 1,500 linear feet of pile supported concrete T-Walls and I-Walls to replace the existing flood wall system. The project also included raising the elevation of existing sector gates and construction of new concrete scour protection at existing flood walls.
- Design-Build Miter Gate Storage Facility

- Project Location: Olmstead, IL
- Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Design-Build project for the construction of a marine based storage facility on the Ohio River. This project included site grading, dredging, shore protection, utilities, steel sheet pile bulkhead, driven steel h-piles and reinforced concrete. AquaTerra was also responsible for the transportation and assembly of two 250-ton steel miter gates. This involved heavy lifting, welding, pre-stressing and field painting in accordance with government specifications.
- Canal Channel Slope Repairs

- Project Location: Metairie, LA
- Owner: USDA-NRCS
- Removal of sediment and debris from Soniat Canal in Louisiana. This project also involved the installation of over 1,400 linear feet of SSP toe wall, installation of 10,000 CY of rock slope protection, repairs to pipelines and landscaping.
- 40 Arpent Canal – Reach 1

- Project Location: Chalmette, LA
- Owner: USDA-NRCS
- AquaTerra was the highest rated contractor under the IDIQ solicitation and was subsequently awarded the first task order included in IDIQ contract. Project consisted of removal of 60,000CY of sediment and debris from approximately 2 miles of 40 Arpent canal, clearing of channel right of way, and seeding/fertilizing of cleared areas.
- Guidewall and Dolphin Replacement

- Project Location: Lake Charles, LA
- Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Demolition and reconstruction of the upstream and downstream timber guidewalls and dolphins at the Calcasieu lock. New construction consisted of driving new treated timber piles, constructing new guidewalls, plastic fendering and pile dolphins.
- Pile Dike Repairs

- Project Location: Venice, LA
- Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Reconstruction of flow diversion dikes at remote locations along the lower Mississippi River. This project included the extraction of over 1,300 timber piles, installation of over 5,000 timber piles and installation of over 11,000 linear feet of timber walers at various locations. AquaTerra housed it personnel and owner representatives on-site on floating barges.
- McNary Dam Flow Deflectors

- Project Location: Pasco, Washington
- Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Design and installation of steel cofferdam, dewatering, and construction of four reinforced concrete spillway deflectors at four separate bays on down-stream ogee of McNary Dam on the Columbia River.
- Mooring Cells

- Project Location: Olmsted, IL
- Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Construction of (4) new 30 foot diameter steel sheet pile mooring cells below a new Lock and Dam on the Ohio River. This project included the installation of over 34,000 square feet of steel sheet piling, installation of heavy mooring line hook assemblies, placement of 7,500 cubic yards of mass concrete pumped into cells, and reflective painting/marking of cells for river traffic safety.
- Fishing Pier

- Project Location: Pensacola Beach, FL
- Owner: City of Pensacola Beach, FL
- Construction of a 1,470 foot pier on the Gulf of Mexico (longest fishing pier on the Gulf Coast). Work included the installation of 148 ea. concrete piles, cast-in-place and precast concrete superstructure and custom timber blowout decks/panels. Pier utilities included lighting, fresh water, and saltwater plumbing.
- Ship Terminal

- Project Location: New Orleans, LA
- Owner: Private Owner
- Construction of ship mooring & product offloading dock in New Orleans, LA. Mooring dolphins required installation of 96-inch diameter driven steel pipe piles. The steel superstructure was supported by 36-inch diameter driven steel pipe piles. Line handling winches, freshwater and saltwater washdown facilities, pier lighting and electrical were also included.
- Southwest Retaining Wall Replacement

- Project Location: New Orleans, LA
- Owner: Orleans Levee District
- Demolition and disposal of portions of the existing concrete bulkhead and installation of a new precast concrete bulkhead in front of the existing wall. Installation of approximately 11,000SF of concrete sheet piling, 1,500LF of 14” concrete anchor piles, 3,400LF of steel h-pile anchor piles, replacement of tie-rods, and concrete wale system. Project also included topside and underwater crack injection and grouted restoration for portions of existing bulkhead.
- Lock and Dam 13 & 14

- Project Location: Kentucky River near Lexington, KY
- Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Project consisted of raising the existing dam structures by 2 feet. This involved removing one foot of the existing dam cap, drilling and doweling reinforcing, placing concrete and installing 400 linear feet of steel sheet piling along the entire upstream dam face. The existing lock structures were abandoned by installing a reinforced concrete lock wall upstream and bolting/welding the miter gates downstream.
- Cruise Ship Pier Salvage

- Project Location: St. Kitts, West Indies
- Owner: Private Owner
- AquaTerra provided Project Management and Diving Services for the demolition of a 1,620 foot cruise ship pier damaged by a hurricane. The project involved both underwater and topside demolition for the removal of reinforced concrete decks, pile caps and driven piles.